Integrate land-use, transportation, community design and economic development planning with public health planning to increase active transportation and other physical activity.
- Develop standards to guide communities to develop integrated plans that incorporate land-use, transportation, community design, parks, trails and greenways, and economic development planning.
- Identify resources that will enable communities to prioritize and implement projects that demonstrate integrated approaches and create more mixed-use community settings.
- Develop standards for health impact assessments to be used in planning processes, including how HIAs can provide recommendations to increase positive health outcomes.
- Develop standards for small and rural local governments that guide integrated land-use, transportation, community design and economic development decisions to support increased physical activity and improved health outcomes.
- Support the development of standards and identification of “best practices” for the dissemination and adoption of “safe routes” initiatives such as “Safe Routes to School,” “Bike-to-Work,” and other active transportation programs.
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